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Annual conference and anniversary of Steyrermuehler Papiermakers

Papermaking know-how for half a century!

The annual meeting of the Association of Steyrermuehler Papermakers on 4th of October was a very special occasion since it also included the 50th anniversary celebration.
Appropriately the event went “back to the roots” and was held in Steyrermuehl in Upper Austria.

Among the lectures and presentations:
Walter Danzer and Ferdinand Toblier cordially put the rich history of the association into the spotlight.
The ABZ (Ausbildungszentrum) der Österreichischen Papierindustrie (Gottfried Scheipl) highlighted the valuable education programs for paper technologists and paper makers.
Gerhard Thaller and Roland Brandtner presented a future-oriented technical paper training from the Berufsschule Gmunden.
The key role of the paper technician in the sustainable and innovative development of the paper industry was presented by Martin Zahlbruckner / president of Austropapier.
Ernst Brunbauer from Lenzing Papier GmbH showcased the early roots and the importance of the production of paper (an educational focus of the paper making museum ALFA). Also the consistency, sustainability and safety of paper in challenging times was part of the presentation.

And particularly the excursion to the newly rebuilt Heinzelpaper Steyrermühl GmbH / Laakirchen PM6 was very interesting and gave informative insights into this impressive paper machine.
Before the tour, Florian Ruf (General Manager Heinzel Steyrermühl GmbH) gave a detailed overview of the impressive conversion project: from old PM3 to new PM6 for the production of brown to white craft papers.
Within this extensive project, GAW technologies GmbH was also able to successfully contribute its expertise - together with Solenis.

Christian Makari from GAW (in the picture with Franz Bucher from Solenis) joined the group of 160 executives from Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Hungary.

Congratulations for 50 years of service within the paper and board industry to the association and its members.
Thank you very much to Dieter Schäfer and the entire team for the organization of this great event.

„Mit Gunst von wegen´s Handwerk!“


October 2024