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Cyclists conquer the fortress - City Hill Climb Salzburg 2024

On September 6th the spectacular City Hill Climb Race took place in the historic center of Salzburg / Austria.

GAW technologies was again one of the sponsors of this event that is open to professionals, amateurs, hobby cyclists and junior categories.

The race is an ultimate cycling spectacle in an urban setting: during intense sprints, cyclists have to achieve maximum performance over a very short distance.

While the route of this extraordinary sprint competition from Salzburg's Kapitelplatz up to the fortress is only a little less than a kilometer long, it is still extremely demanding! With gradients of up to 32 percent, 120 meter of difference in altitude, a final section with gravel and several curves and narrow sections, it is probably the steepest race for cyclists in Austria. Also the setting is unique: the athletes fight their way past centuries-old castle walls, landmarked buildings and modern art, cheered by the crowd.

Congratulations to all participants and especially to the winners, for example Elisa Winter and Dominik Hödlmoser in the Elite group!

Picture Credit: ©️Alexander Zauner, ©️Igor Schifris, ©️Christoph Haid



September 2024