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GAW at the Paper & Biorefinery Conference 2024

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From the very early roots of papermaking to production trends of the future:
The Paper & Biorefinery Conference in Graz/Austria was full of highlights and a great success.

The paper making museum Steyrermühl showed us how to make hand-made paper.

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The conference days were filled with many technical presentations, for example AutomationX in the Technology Forum II / Paper Production where Ewald Harrer spoke about an innovation to reduce the energy consumption and CO2 emissions during paper drying.

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More than 100 people celebrated the launch of the Austropapier network Women4PaperIndustry – including Christina Leitner from GAW as one of the seven founding women.

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The networking events during the evenings offered an amazing sunset above the rooftops of the city as well as a gala dinner in the beautiful Old University of Graz where we spent the evening (and very early morning) in good company. We particularly enjoyed the countless great conversations about the latest trends in the industry with friends, existing and hopefully new customers.

The GAW team would like to thank all visitors that stopped by our stand for the numerous interesting discussions, questions and your general interest. Especially our 3D-model of a GAW ECO-R filter including maintenance, control and technical specifications via QR-Code attracted big attention.

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Thank you very much to everybody and see you all again next year!

May 2024