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The team from GAW at Graz Business Run 2024

Businesslauf Graz 2024 GAW 2

 Which Martin was the fastest?

On April 25th a team of GAW colleagues participated at this year’s Graz Business Run.

Little fun-fact: it seems that “Martin” is kind of a sportive name – more than a fifth of all runners from GAW had this name on their start / bib number. But who was the fastest?
This is of course a top secret business information and will not be revealed! 😉 The detailed picture is not a hint…

Businesslauf Graz 2024 GAW 1

The entire team joined a record-breaking number of runners (almost 9,000 !) along the beautiful city center of the Styrian capital and managed the 5 kilometer course in excellent time. The quite cool temperatures did not impair the great vibe (and maybe even helped some participants to reach a faster time than in the training sessions).

Thank you to all participants for the amazing team-spirit! See you again next year.


May 2024