Great Applications Worldwide

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Behind the scenes - meet our long term employees: Erich Hirschbeck

GAW Erich HIrschbeck anniversary


Did you know that GAW employs many colleagues that have been working in our company for more than 35 years?

For example Erich Hirschbeck.
He officially joined our staff 38 years ago (and has been working on GAW projects already before that date via a leasing company, so actually he has been working for GAW for 43 years in a row)!
His first operation in China started in 1990 and ever since, he has supported our customers in China and all around the world as a specialist for coating colour preparation systems and start-up of GAW plants. What started as a journey “into the unknown” with many interesting and often quite challenging tasks has become his new home.

He residents in China since 2008 and built-up the GAW office in Kunshan (near Shanghai) from the very beginning, including the search for skilled staff and initial training of the employees. Erich led the GAW subsidiary with 10 local colleagues for several years and is now Head of GAW Project Operations in China.

And: Like Father – like son. His son Daniel is also part of the GAW team since 2011.

We are proud and fortunate to call so many loyal and devoted colleagues our employees.
Stay tuned for more profiles from our staff in the near future.


May 2024